Monday, February 16, 2009

The iTunes, The Bookstore, And The B&%*!.

In one of my earlier posts I noted how my iTunes was messing with me. I discovred the answer to both of my problems. First I would like to address the fact that my iTunes said I have 399.2 days worth of music. This is because one of the cd's I imported to my library got fugged (thank An Abundance of Katherines for that word) up and most of the songs transferred saying they were 789.57.13 hours of music. Unfortunately, though they say that length of time, the do not in fact play any music at all. Second, would be the rmarkable amount of extra space in my iTunes on my Mac compared to the iTunes on my PC. This is because my Mac iTunes converted all of my music files, from whatever they were before, to .acc files. This was learned by asking one of my technology inclined classmates.

So now my iTunes problem is fixed. Hooray!

I also mentioned in a previous note that I would be going to Borders. I did so that Saturday. While there, I read the final chapters of Countdown to Final Crisis from DC Comics and started progress on a book called Looking for Alaska by John Green. I did not finish Looking for Alaska that night before Borders closed, so I resolved to go back Sunday. I did. I went back in he early afternoon at about 2:30, finished Looking for Alaska and began work on the book An Abundance of Katherines, (the above stated book because the two main characters don't drop the F bomb, but say fug or fugger instead) also by John Green, which I also did not finish in the same night that I started it. I will return to Borders tonight, Monday, to finish An Abundance of Katherines and begin to read a book by the title of Paper Towns-- same author.

New story though, as it just happened today, I was verbally harassed by a classmate of mine who believes she needs to take the needs of a person she thinks has been wronged into her own hands. I owe a mutual friend a load sum of money and have owed her the unmentioned amount for about four months. I have assured this person that when I get a job I will pay them back, I have never not payed someone what I owe. Anyways, during lunch, I stroll into the college student break room to grab a snack from the vending machine (with money I borrowed from another classmate) when our mutual friend asks if I am going to pay her the money that has not been payed. I sarcastically reply, "Nope, not at all." What clicked with my other classmate was that I would not at all. She, using her "I know better and think you are wrong" voice said, "You shouldn't borrow money from someone if you can't pay them back." I heard her tone and decided it best to continue with my sarcasm. "Oh, I know," and I proceeded toward the door. The mutual asked, "Are you really not gonna pay me back?" She never gets my sarcasm. I replied, "All of what I said was sarcasm. I am going to pay you, when I get money." As I backed my way out the door, I added with a taunting tone, "Oh and [Harasser] all of what I said was sarcasm, but yours, i couldn't tell. I don't think it was." And turned away while the door closed behind me, stifling whatever comments she had.

Your thoughts?


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