It's starting to feel a lot like summer here in Nebraska... That's the understatement of the year! The fourth day since it started warming up and it's already hitting 100°!
Third day must have been close to 100° because when I played soccer with some of my classmates it didn't even take two hours for me to feel the burn. I spent half the game as goalie simply because the heat didn't agree with my running around kicking a ball. It doesn't help that it's a dry heat either. No moisture in the air to help cool someone down. After the two hour soccer game I got back to my apartment and drank about a half gallon of water (Not to mention the half gallon I drank while I was playing). After that, I fell like I was going to throw up, so I crawled my way to my bathroom and sat near the toilet just in case. I eventually fell asleep. About an hour or so later I woke up. I didn't fell like barfing anymore so I felt it safe to be away from the bathroom. I crawled over to my bed and went right back to sleep. Five hours after that I woke up and heard my apartment-mate asking about my whereabouts to my other apartment-mate. I couldn't get back to sleep after that so I got up, went to the kitchen and got me some food. I spent about an hour on the internet while eating and then went back to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I was only partially tired, slightly sore, had a headache, and felt uber hungry. It'll be a while before I play soccer in this heat again.
I recently picked up ambigrams. On the Nerdfighter Ning (Nerdfighters Ning) a guy had made ambigrams of his name and DFTBA. I got interested and started making some of my own. I made Chris (Me), William (My Younger Brother), Karn (My Older Sister), Whitney (My Younger Sister), Dorreen (My Mom), Rance (My Dad), and Crystal (Our Dog). It's a lot easier than I thought it would be. Just takes a little ingenuity. I'm not at a level that I can make intricate designs or advanced combinations or formations yet, but my basic ones are decently impressive.
The guy who influenced me to start ambigramming was influenced buy the book mad movie, Angels and Demons and a video by the cocreator or Nerdfighterdom, Hank Green of the vlogbrothers on youtube.
Incidentally, I have a new video up on youtube. Title: Chocolate Milk Out Of My Face! Oh And A Blazer. It's mainly complete randomness of one night when, after two months of being caffeine free, I had some chocolate milk. The result is that video.
In the video I mention Daily Booth. Daily Booth is an interesting site. Basically all you do is take pictures. Most users, myself included, take the site name literally and take a picture every day, though you don't have to. You can follow people and make picture comments on peoples pictures. It's a lot of fun. This is mine: MUTEscifan31W DB
Well, I can't think of anything more I need to discuss. That seems to be it for today. DFTBA, Cya!
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