Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Importance Of "Soulmate" By Natasha Bedingfield

"Who doesn't long for someone to hold? Who knows how to love you without being told. Somebody tell me why I'm on my own, if there's a soulmate for everyone."

These words are very important to me. Not in what they mean, but in how the song that they are in first was presented to me. Because of this song I am that much closer to ruling out the idea of coincidence indefinitely. If you bear with me. This requires a story. A story from the Leather Journal. The Leather Journal is my journal, given to me by my sister, to record events and situations that affect my feelings.

The story begins at a bonfire during October at a park in Swift Falls, Minnesota. At this time I have been having fun telling random people that ask my name, a fake one. I would tell them my name was Jackson. Why? I have no idea. I just would. That's when I told Her. She was just some random girl at a bonfire. I would find her later and correct her just because I don't really like lying to people; unfortunately... I didn't really know who She was that I told...

After the bonfire party, I tell my friend, Emily, from Benson-- Swift Falls being near Benson-- that there is a girl who doesn't know my real name. I ask her to keep a look out for this girl and that if she find her to tell me. Little did I know that it wouldn't be long before we met again.

Another friend from Benson invited me to a Christmas party to be held, of course, in December. When I arrived, Emily introduced me to Amanda, the girl. She had been asking about Jackson. So she remembered me, technically. Coincidence? The girl I deceived was part of my close friends' close friends? And she remembered me even though we barely spent time together at the bonfire. Coincidence or not, it was love at first sight, or what I believe is love. Yet, I was too shy.

In the time between then and the next time I would see Her, I did everything in my power to learn more about Her. I found Her on facebook and I listened when people talked about Her. Then, those of us from Belgrade who were friends of those in Benson were invited to their Snow Dayz Dance in late December. Naturally, we attended. Us being the three man crew, Ethan, Will, and I. Ethan was dating Emily and Emily, Allison, and Amanda wanted to get clothes for the dance. Ethan planned to meet Emily in Willmar at the mall and he was my ride to Benson also. So it was either have him waste gas and time to have to come back to Belgrade to pick me up or go with him. In my mind that choice was either spend extra time with Her, or don't spend extra time with Her. I chose spend time with Her.

I had been plagued in the past by letting "the girl" get away, but I didn't want that to happen this time.
It wasn't long before I had Her number. I called Her. I asked Her out. As we had only met four months previous and had spent a total of less than twenty-four hours anywhere near each other, She declined. I was bummed, yeah, but I could deal. Just needed to get to know me right? We started texting. Alot. She invited me to two things; 1) Her Prairie Winds Concert in March and 2) Her Birthday Party just before the New Year. I'm still pissed that I got the flu the day of Her party. Iwas very disappointed.

Later, I invited Her to Step Up 2 in February. She obliged. Not like it was a date or anything, just two friends going to a movie. The ending dance scene was epic and I gained appreciation for the song Low.

When March came around I made my way to her concert. Almost got lost, but I found the concert hall after only missing the first song. Phew. It was fun watching the Prairie Winds Band. After the concert I gave Her a Step Up 2 poster and lent her some books. It was funny; I had to chase down Allison's car because the poster was a surprise gift and She hadn't been forewarned. After that, I went back to my vehicle and prepared to leave. When I started the engine, the song Low came on seconds later. Coincidence? I take Her to a movie that we both love that just so happens to have that song in it, and then, soon after I see Her again that song is the first one I hear. I begin to lose faith in coincidence.

The next few parts speed by.

I asked Her to prom, but She already had a date. In fact, this date was also Her new boyfriend. I found out at Youth Group in Benson who it was. Tyler, who was also at the Christmas party. At the party I had envied his personality. There was no way I could compete with him. When they showed up together at Youth Group the first person She went to hug was me. But there was something in Her eyes. Those subconcious nonvrbal communications that people have. I can read them well when I want to. What I saw in Her eyes was an apology. Though She had done nothing wrong, subconciously She understood how I must have felt and She felt sorry for me.

Ever since then it has been the same. She is always excited to see me. I am always excited to see her. Like we are the bestest of best friends. I like to think we are because I doubt that it will ever be more than that. Recently I've seen that Her eyes have stopped being sorry. I'm glad for that too. Pity is horrible. She also has a new boyfriend. I can only hope that this one doesn't last and that eventually, I will be the one she chooses and the first she holds on to.

Finally, I was on facebook and I recieved an iLike dedication from Her. The song dedication, though she probably sent it to more people than just me, was Soulmate by Natasha Bedingfield. Coincidence? The girl I am fawning over, who has a boyfriend, and who has overlooked me twice, sends me a tear jerking, song about feelings and soulmates. I have lost all faith in coincidence. It has been a year and a half since I first met Her and I now believe there can be no such thing as coincidence.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

FCBD! Lou Ferrigno Drops Out Of College! (/Joking)

OW! My arms are killing me! I got sunburn today riding my bike to comic book stores for Free Comic Book Day! Speaking of FCBD, I got 12 free comics! Fun, fun. I also met Lou Ferrigno, the guy that played the Hulk in the old television series! The guy is huge! I honestly don't have much to say about FCBD other than what I already have, so... that's enough about that.

Yesterday I went to see Wolverine Origins. I thought it was pretty cool. I'm a fanboy, so it wasn't amazing but unlike a lot of hardcores I actually look at it as a movie. Pisses me of when I hear people say a comic book movie sucked or was done wrong. If that is the truth, then Marvel's Ultimate comics and their Marvel: 1602 are wrong and screwed up also. But they're not. They are just different universes where things happen differently. If you can't understand that then you can't call yourself a fanboy or a comic book nerd.

I have made the dicision to not go back to the TCC next year. 1) It's not working for me, 2) We can't really pay for it anymore, 3) It's not helping me with my art the way I thought it would.

I'm not getting motivated enough to want to do my projects. My grades have sunk. My dad got laid off so he has to find a new job. I've learned a few things that have improved my art a little, but I haven't learned how to draw better.

My legs are killing me. I need to wake up early to find a ride to a place tomorrow. I'm tired. My head hurts. I'm gonna go to bed.

G'night, DFTBA. Cya.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Soccer Ambigrams During Summer Deserves Chocolate Milk

It's starting to feel a lot like summer here in Nebraska... That's the understatement of the year! The fourth day since it started warming up and it's already hitting 100°!

Third day must have been close to 100° because when I played soccer with some of my classmates it didn't even take two hours for me to feel the burn. I spent half the game as goalie simply because the heat didn't agree with my running around kicking a ball. It doesn't help that it's a dry heat either. No moisture in the air to help cool someone down. After the two hour soccer game I got back to my apartment and drank about a half gallon of water (Not to mention the half gallon I drank while I was playing). After that, I fell like I was going to throw up, so I crawled my way to my bathroom and sat near the toilet just in case. I eventually fell asleep. About an hour or so later I woke up. I didn't fell like barfing anymore so I felt it safe to be away from the bathroom. I crawled over to my bed and went right back to sleep. Five hours after that I woke up and heard my apartment-mate asking about my whereabouts to my other apartment-mate. I couldn't get back to sleep after that so I got up, went to the kitchen and got me some food. I spent about an hour on the internet while eating and then went back to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I was only partially tired, slightly sore, had a headache, and felt uber hungry. It'll be a while before I play soccer in this heat again.

I recently picked up ambigrams. On the Nerdfighter Ning (Nerdfighters Ning) a guy had made ambigrams of his name and DFTBA. I got interested and started making some of my own. I made Chris (Me), William (My Younger Brother), Karn (My Older Sister), Whitney (My Younger Sister), Dorreen (My Mom), Rance (My Dad), and Crystal (Our Dog). It's a lot easier than I thought it would be. Just takes a little ingenuity. I'm not at a level that I can make intricate designs or advanced combinations or formations yet, but my basic ones are decently impressive.

The guy who influenced me to start ambigramming was influenced buy the book mad movie, Angels and Demons and a video by the cocreator or Nerdfighterdom, Hank Green of the vlogbrothers on youtube.

Incidentally, I have a new video up on youtube. Title: Chocolate Milk Out Of My Face! Oh And A Blazer. It's mainly complete randomness of one night when, after two months of being caffeine free, I had some chocolate milk. The result is that video.

In the video I mention Daily Booth. Daily Booth is an interesting site. Basically all you do is take pictures. Most users, myself included, take the site name literally and take a picture every day, though you don't have to. You can follow people and make picture comments on peoples pictures. It's a lot of fun. This is mine: MUTEscifan31W DB

Well, I can't think of anything more I need to discuss. That seems to be it for today. DFTBA, Cya!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Joined A College Forum To Vlog About My Hair!...?

So, I've gotten behind in school again... It's [EFF]ing pissing me off! I can't seem to get motivated to work on shit!...Somb itch... I decided I was gonna catch up this weekend. I decided I was going to forcefully motivate myself to work... Well... I haven't. I didn't work Friday afternoon and I haven't worked at all today. I know exactly what I have to do, but I can't do it! Why can't I do it?!

I do have a theory for why I can't, but I don't like to tell people for a few reasons. 1) I'm not even sure if the theory is correct. 2) If it is coreect I don't want people feeling sorry for me. 3) If I tell them and it turns out to be false, then they will think it was just an excuse. I don't do excuses.

I made another video. It's called Lazy Easter. It's the first of my vlogs that doesn't have some witty and lengthy title. That's how lazy I was. The video can be found here: Lazy Easter

Speaking of youtube. I have recently had some new subs on my channel and Lazy Easter has the most comments of any of my videos. I'm so happy! I honestly don't care about my subs or view count really, but you know how you can be talking and there are people there but none of them are listening? Yeah, well that's what I feel like when I have no viewers. It's like, "What's the point?"

On a different note, I have been doing some catching up with friends I had when I used to be on anime forums. Most notable was We-Love-Anime (WLA). Anyways, I was doing some catching up and ended up joining WLA heir... well, it was a site before WLA ended, but when WLA closed everyone from there went to NovaCrusader. Officially NovaCrusader8.0 (NC8). So I've re-entered the anime forum scene. Other forums I was on in the past that actually disappeared from the internet were Anime Remix, Lights Of Rinsha, Heavens Garden, and Sarya Realm. If you were or are one any of the above mentioned sites, I'd like to know so post your username please.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that about one month ago I got my hair cut. So I may need to update the title picture on my page. Argh, work! XD. ^^;

Well, that's all I can think of today. I'll try better to keep posting. DFTBA, Cya!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Know Who The Villain Of My Life Story Is!...

I'm doing my best to avoid swearing in this blog but it's so hard when crap keeps happening. My teacher for today's class is so annoying. She repeats herself when she thinks she has to make a point. Then she thinks that a person can't keep track of their own crap. Quote: "Check your grades weekly because that is how often I update." Instead of, "You can check your grades weekly in case you need to, because that is how often I update." My revision of her statement makes her sound like much less of a b*%$#.

I'm getting some subs on my youtube account. Mainly because I replied on this topic on the Nerdfighter ning that asked if any Nerdfighters had youtube accounts. With the success (if it can be called that) of my youtube channel, my blog stays vacant. Such a pity...

That story I mentioned a while ago, yeah, I got stuck. I have to study a school for a while before I can continue. I need some specific information. Daily class schedule, like, do they have homeroom or just class 1; classes, I discovered they have a video production room, that could be useful in the story; and layout, for action sequences, paths and quick escapes. I am detirmined to work on this novel until it is unworkable (That means forever).

Have any of you, as of yet non-existant people, heard of Kevin Pollak? He is a film actor who has played roles such as Cupid in the Santa Claus movies with Tim Allen and Jerry Segel in Wayne's World 2. Well, as of about 2 weeks ago, Kevin has arrived on youtube! He is amazing! He does voice immitation of Christopher Walken! He is very good for an old timer. And he is asking for questions. Questions in the form of video. I sent mine in already. I'll say in a blog when it's too late to send in your questions. Otherwise, send them to

That's the gist of it. DFTBA, Cya!

P.S. Ian, Hi!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Don't Understand Why! And Ian B.

Well, it's the beginning of a new month. I am starting this entry at 11:58 PM Central Standard Time. March 1st, at least for two minutes.

My blog here has no followers, so I'm not really talking to anyone. My vlog on youtube is having the same luck as my blog. No followers, no subscribers. Is it not wonderful? Of course.

Like my first entry of February, which is also my first post ever, I am only hours away from Speech class while having not finished my latest assignment. I am screwed! The assignments we have been getting in this class are so vague that it's hard to know what the heck I'm supposed to do. Asking the teacher is no help and my classmates are just as lost as I am. Frikken X!

Unfortunately, Speech isn't the only class I've fallen behind in. Illustration and the other, less important, Apel (the teacher for both classes) class are both killing me. Plus my Art History class. There isn't a class I'm fully caught up in. I need a 2.0 this year to graduate and move on the second year, but as of midterm I am at a 1.93. Nothing against the school, I'm learning a lot, but the teachers need to be more precise and go more in depth with their teachings. I'm entering this semester knowing nothing about computer graphics and the teachers are skimming over their assignments as though everyone in class knows what they're talking about.

On a lighter note, I caught the end of John Green's blogTV broadcast on Friday. It was cool because he took questions from people in the waiting room by having them send questions via Twitter. I had sent him a question asking him why the main character in each of his novels is an only child. He was rushing to end the broadcast at the end, so when he answered the questions he answered them quickly and creatively, and because he did so the answer he gave for my question was, "Because I hate my brother!" A joke obviously because he is the one who came up with the idea for the Vlogbrothers on youtube with his brother Hank. I am ecstatic that John answered another question I have asked whether or not the answer was serious. I think I just like hearing hime repeat my question. Is that creepy?...

Well, that's all that's on my mind right now. DFTBA everyone. Cya!

P.S. Ian, if you read this. Hi!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday At Borders I Finished Reading Question Tuesday!

Mraaaaagh!! I have to keep up on my blog.

Okay. So last Saturday I went to Borders and started reading Looking for Alaska. That night I recorded a video describing why I was reading it. I then decided to go back on Sunday, Monday and maybe Tuesday to read the other two books by John Green. In he end I came up with a video almost 10 minutes in length. For those of you out there who come across this blog and read it. Here is the video: Looking For An Abundance Of Paper Towns

I finished my marathon recap of fiveawesomegirls earlier this week. After doing so I decided to take a trip back to where it all began. The vlogbrothers. Brotherhood 2.0. Hank and John Green, all the way back in January 2007. 21 pages of Green brothers! 413 videos of vlogging goodness! What is wrong with me you ask? Nothing. In fact it is very fun. There are so many things I understand now that I didn't back in September of 2007. I can also not be affraid of refering to myself as a Nerdfighter because now I know what it means to actually be one. I say it loud. I say it proud. "I AM A NERDFIGHTER!" Too bad I wasn't more Nerdfighterly earlier on though. Like with the fiveawesomegirls, I missed so much in the world of the vlogbrothers. I still feel a little left out.

After reading pretty much all of the comments left on Hank Green's Paper Towns Tastic Question Tuesday I can only deduce that John answered my question in his video Paper Towns and PUPPY! My question was "Is the girl on the cover of Paper Towns a Nerdfighter?"


Monday, February 16, 2009

The iTunes, The Bookstore, And The B&%*!.

In one of my earlier posts I noted how my iTunes was messing with me. I discovred the answer to both of my problems. First I would like to address the fact that my iTunes said I have 399.2 days worth of music. This is because one of the cd's I imported to my library got fugged (thank An Abundance of Katherines for that word) up and most of the songs transferred saying they were 789.57.13 hours of music. Unfortunately, though they say that length of time, the do not in fact play any music at all. Second, would be the rmarkable amount of extra space in my iTunes on my Mac compared to the iTunes on my PC. This is because my Mac iTunes converted all of my music files, from whatever they were before, to .acc files. This was learned by asking one of my technology inclined classmates.

So now my iTunes problem is fixed. Hooray!

I also mentioned in a previous note that I would be going to Borders. I did so that Saturday. While there, I read the final chapters of Countdown to Final Crisis from DC Comics and started progress on a book called Looking for Alaska by John Green. I did not finish Looking for Alaska that night before Borders closed, so I resolved to go back Sunday. I did. I went back in he early afternoon at about 2:30, finished Looking for Alaska and began work on the book An Abundance of Katherines, (the above stated book because the two main characters don't drop the F bomb, but say fug or fugger instead) also by John Green, which I also did not finish in the same night that I started it. I will return to Borders tonight, Monday, to finish An Abundance of Katherines and begin to read a book by the title of Paper Towns-- same author.

New story though, as it just happened today, I was verbally harassed by a classmate of mine who believes she needs to take the needs of a person she thinks has been wronged into her own hands. I owe a mutual friend a load sum of money and have owed her the unmentioned amount for about four months. I have assured this person that when I get a job I will pay them back, I have never not payed someone what I owe. Anyways, during lunch, I stroll into the college student break room to grab a snack from the vending machine (with money I borrowed from another classmate) when our mutual friend asks if I am going to pay her the money that has not been payed. I sarcastically reply, "Nope, not at all." What clicked with my other classmate was that I would not at all. She, using her "I know better and think you are wrong" voice said, "You shouldn't borrow money from someone if you can't pay them back." I heard her tone and decided it best to continue with my sarcasm. "Oh, I know," and I proceeded toward the door. The mutual asked, "Are you really not gonna pay me back?" She never gets my sarcasm. I replied, "All of what I said was sarcasm. I am going to pay you, when I get money." As I backed my way out the door, I added with a taunting tone, "Oh and [Harasser] all of what I said was sarcasm, but yours, i couldn't tell. I don't think it was." And turned away while the door closed behind me, stifling whatever comments she had.

Your thoughts?


Saturday, February 14, 2009

An Adventure I Will Go, On An Adventure I Will Go... Hiho The Dairy-Oh... An Adventure I Will Go!

So, I just decided to pull out the old blog and write something. Though it has only been two days. That is a really long time for me. Seriously.

I have decided that, like last week-- the week before I even started this blog-- I am going to walk to Borders. This time will be different than last time. It snowed yesterday, so I will be walking in an unknown amount of snow. I might take my Mac along with me to capture some crazy... bookstore... stuff. If you want to see what happened last time I went to Borders, I have videos up on youtube.

I am working on writing a novel at the moment. I don't know if it's any good. I will not subjugate you to a plot synopsis because I am not even completely sure if I will ever even finish it... I would like to, but my mind keeps turning on, then off, then on, then off, and I can never get anything done.

Well, as it is about 6:30 in the morning and I want to take some time to get ready and wake myself up a bit before going to Borders, I am going to go eat, take a shower, change, and some other stuff, so I'll Cya.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

397.7 Needs Of Awesome

So, I've been adding music to my iTunes library for the past, maybe, three hours. Maybe more. And somehow I have 397.7 days worth of music and counting. That really doesn't make any sense to me. How do I have that much music? My iTunes then continues to claim that 1156 songs are only 3.59GB. I can't understand that simply because I can only fit 1112 songs on my 4GB iPod Nano. And 1112 songs is only 3 days. It makes absolutely no sense!

Another thing I have been doing as of late is watchng all of the fiveawesomegirls videos on youtube. I do this because the fiveawesomeguys had ended and I've been subscribed to the fiveawesome girls forever and never watched their videos. I regret that now since I have so many things I want to comment on in their videos that would have had a point back when they were posted but are pointless now. But as soon as I catch up I can start giving them useful feedback. Yay.

I posted a new video on to youtube yesterday. I think this one will be a ground breaker.

Since I posted my first video on youtube, I joined other things that other youtubers are on to get in contact with them. I joined twitter,, got skype, and joined blogtv. I have yet to see any progress, but one day I hope that my videos will result in the attention of the famedom of youtubers and I will get to meet at least one of them.

I'm poor. I need money. I need a job, but no body's hiring. I need a car. I need a charger for my phone. One's coming in the mail. I'll get it tomorrow or on monday. And I will be able to start applying for jobs again. But I still won't have a car.

I want books to read. I want inspiration to write. I want excitement for videos. I want subscribers and collabs. I want money. I want a job. I want a car. I want my phone to work again.

I want followers on my blog...


Monday, February 9, 2009

Beautiful World. I Am Not A ...complete... Failure!

So as I stated in my first post, I had a project due this morning. Less of a project, more of a paper. An essay-- outline. Then I had to give a speech, on zero hours of sleep. Fun times. As my title suggests, I did complete my outline in time; unfortunately, that gave me no time to practice my speech. I didn't do great on that. Oh well...

Ummm, something I noticed I forgot to place in my previous post as well, my youtube. I mentioned I had one, but I did not mention as to where it was located. It is located here:

I still haven't slept. I'll probably crash this afternoon. I have thoughts about another video I want to do for youtube, but I don't think I will do it tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Until next time. Cya.

Hello Beautiful World...!

This is my first blog. I only just created my Blogspot. Honestly enough... I should be doing a project for my Speech class that is to be done by... 8:30. That is about two and a half hours from now... Not good. I guess I'm probably screwed.

I've never done a blog before. I have done three "vlogs" on youtube. I don't have many subscribers yet. Only three, one of whom was a subscriber before I started vlogging... Not sure at all why they subscribed to me.

I've been up pretty much all night trying to figure out what I'm doing on this college project. I'm screwed. I've been wasting time on youtube watching other peoples video's and subscribing to people instead of working.

Well, I can't think of anything more to say, so... Cya.